Professional training programs

Since we are a nationally recognized teaching hospital, we attract some of the best and brightest students in the world. Your child will benefit from the variety of new ideas being tested in pediatric clinical trials and research studies. Here are some of the programs we offer.

Graduate training programs

We offer masters-level graduate training in the following areas:

  • Applied behavior analysis
  • Latinx mental health counseling
  • Social work

We offer doctoral-level graduate training as well as post-doctoral fellowships in the following areas: Clinical, Counseling and School Psychology.

Undergraduate training program

We partner with area colleges and universities to offer undergraduate internship programs for students interested in learning about human development, psychology, pre-medicine, and related fields.

Clinical and professional training programs

  • Training Opportunities for Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised (ADI-R) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, 2nd edition (ADOS-2) instruments
  • Professional trainings and consultative services for school providers

Medical training programs

We are a training site for the only Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Fellowship program in Chicago at the University of Chicago. We offer pediatric and family practice residency rotation experiences.

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KID-focused, parent-friendly