Children's nutritionist services

What kids eat now impacts all aspects of their health later. A healthy, balanced diet is essential for optimal growth and development. The outpatient children's nutritionist services at Advocate Children's Hospital guide children and their families toward better health through better nutrition.

When you're concerned about your child's diet, nutrition counseling can help. We know that making diet changes can be a difficult and frustrating process. Our registered dietitian works closely with patients and their families to improve nutrition in a realistic and achievable way. First, we perform a complete nutritional assessment of the child. From there, we make recommendations based on the child's needs and put a plan in motion. We work collaboratively with our patients, their families, and their physicians to ensure that kids are headed down a healthy diet path.

  • We follow up with our patients to evaluate their progress and expertly guide them through any challenges.
  • Our registered dietitian is a children's nutritionist who is available as a resource for both parents and physicians.
  • A physician referral is not required to see our dietitians.
  • We have day and evening appointments available Monday - Thursday, including evenings to accommodate school and work schedules.

Good nutrition is a key ingredient for healthy living. We provide nutrition counseling for the following issues:

Our specialists help patients and their families tackle nutrition issues with a number of tools, including:

  • Complete nutritional assessment
  • Follow-up evaluation
  • Nutritional counseling

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