Adderall and other substance abuse

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At Advocate Children’s Hospital, we take the growing incidence of Adderall abuse and addiction seriously. Referred to as a "study" or "party" drug because of its impact on a person’s ability to focus and perform under stress, Adderall can have very dangerous side effects when used for non-medical purposes.

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Is Adderall addictive?

Teens and young adults often assume that Adderall is safer than cocaine or other illicit drugs because it’s prescribed by doctors for conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

The truth is Adderall is as addictive as cocaine when used inappropriately and people can easily become addicted to it. It’s a stimulant that produces a high in healthy people – rather than its intended therapeutic purpose. And continued search for that high can lead to Adderall addiction.

Medical side effects of misuse and addiction

When Adderall misuse accelerates and the user’s tolerance for the drug increases, so too do the chances for addiction.

As the need to achieve the same high escalates, so does the amount of Adderall needed to get there.

Alarmingly, medical side effects attributed to Adderall misuse include:

  • Depression
  • Hallucinations
  • High blood pressure
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Liver damage
  • Paranoia

People who overdose or become addicted to Adderall run the risk of even more serious conditions such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Psychosis
  • Seizures
  • Stroke

What you can do

Talk openly with your child. Discuss responsible use of addictive prescription medications and any potential effects on their health – or the health of others.

If you’ve noticed any changes in behavior or if their school performance has suddenly shifted, it could be a sign that something beyond your child’s control – like Adderall addiction – might be an issue.

Again, talk with your child or teen. We can help.

For help determining if your child would benefit from counseling or rehabilitative services, contact our adolescent medicine department at 847-318-9300.

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